The Burlington High School was proud to announce their new HOSA club this 2024 school year. HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) is a club for students who are interested in healthcare. On October 31st, we hosted a community blood drive. We had 30 slots open for students and community members to donate. If any HOSA members were not interested or able to get their blood drawn, then they were encouraged to recruit someone who was interested.

HOSA partnered with Vitalant, a blood donation organization from Colorado Springs to help us with actual collection of blood and blood products. Even though they were short-staffed, they had some great people come down to help out. Us HOSA members helped out where we could: organizing the people coming in, helping with health questions, assisting in drawing blood, and aiding in recovery. It is hoped to make this a yearly event to provide a much-needed resource to our community and beyond!

Teacher donating blood.In this photo you can see some of the HOSA students congratulating our counselor (Mrs. Lopez), who is from Germany, her first time getting her blood drawn.

Student getting blood pressure check.

Here is one of our students who volunteered to participate in the blood drive getting his blood pressure checked. (Josiah Torres)