Picture of students at a health fair.

Submitted by Stephany Avila

HOSA, our new student organization, took twenty students on the trip ¨Exploring Careers In Health And Science.¨ When first arriving at the Colby Event Center students were presented with an inspirational speech by a local doctor who explained her career path. As a student this speech inspired me to look at what can be done and find ways to fix obstacles. Seven local professionals presented their professions, they shared what the career looked like, the cost of the education, and what their most memorable experiences were. Quotes made by students shortly after the event were:

“I really learned a lot!”

Students listening to a lecture. 

“This conference helped me pick my future career in radiology. I learned, it was very informal for me and it gave me some options for programs.” 

Students at a lecture listening to a radiology tech

“I decided I definitely don’t want to go into the career I thought, I’m really interested in something else now.”

Two students learning how to apply bandages.

These were just some of the things students said, and me personally going to this event made me wonder what other jobs in the medical field can be done other than the ones that are normally seen. As a HOSA member I think my peers are excited for future events and opportunities this organization might offer.